Design is a brilliant deduction.

Design is a tool used to shape the future and tell the stories of our past. We use it to communicate our ideas through color, image, motion, sound, and type. Everything presents itself with the opportunity for design, but the most influential pieces begin by solving a problem, seeing a need, and filling it.

Have a story that needs telling? Let’s Chat!

Glad you’re here!

My name is Katie. I have a passion for designing with a purpose. Over the years I have identified problems, ideated solutions, and art directed designs to arrive at the portfolio you see today. Now enough chat about the work. I’d love the chance for you to get to know me and learn a little about my story! It’s filled with adventure, lot’s of coffee, and my 97 lb lap dog / shed-a-doodle Jake.

A peak into my creative process

Identify the problem

Before solving anything, we must first identify the problem and pain points of our audience.

Search for solutions

We identify our audiences’ needs, wants, and desires, and must understand everything about the existing brand.

Ideate with design

We begin the rough drafts of the story. Bringing multiple options to the table until we arrive at the desired solution.

Solve the problem

It’s time to implement the solutions to begin bringing your brands change. Changing the tune of your brands story.