Inside the Process

Identify the problem.

Before diving into solutions, it's crucial to understand the needs of the audience and the challenges they face. By pin pointing the problem and uncovering the pain points experienced by my audience, the groundwork for crafting effective and meaningful solutions can be made.

This process not only ensures that the efforts are aligned with addressing real issues but also provides valuable insights that fuel the creative process. This can be done by ideating ways that the problem could be made worse, before solving. By doing this the worsened conditions can be inverted to the solutions needed to produce more creative out of the box results.

Search for solutions.

Before crafting any strategy, it's essential to understand the existing brand—its values, messaging, and positioning. By becoming immersed in the brand's identity and ethos, we can move forward with creating a solution that still aligns with the design preferences of the existing brand.

Ultimately, by gaining an understanding of the audience with a nuanced understanding of the brand, we can create strategies and communications that are not just impactful but solutions that resonate deeply with the target audience.

Ideate with design.

Now it is time to begin the drafting process of the story, exploring various avenues and possibilities. We embrace a trial-and-error approach, presenting multiple options and iterations until we uncover the narrative that best aligns with our vision and goals. This can often be considered the 100 - 10 - 1 strategy. The 100 initial sketches typically rule out first level ideas and uncover more deeply rooted solutions. Of the 100 sketches, we resolve 10 digitally to more fully realize version of the project.

This iterative process allows us to experiment, refine, and evolve the ideas, ensuring that all avenues are explored before arriving at the desired solution. Through collaboration and iteration, we hone the narrative, shaping it into a compelling and resonant story that captivates the audience and achieves the desired objectives.

Solve the problem.

Now is the moment to take the 10 solutions narrow them down to 1 and launch it into action, initiating the transformation that will redefine your brand's narrative. By creating a shift in the narrative’s tone, infusing it with fresh perspectives and compelling storytelling, we navigate this process, dedicated to breathing new life into your brand, crafting a narrative that captures attention, sparks interest, and fosters meaningful connections. Together, usher in a new chapter for your brand, one that resonates deeply with your audience and propels your organization towards its goals.

Let’s get writing!